Organizations use several communication technologies for internal and external communication. These communication technologies have rapidly evolved over the past 10 years. Especially with the internet, the communication possibilities increased significantly. First of all, the E-Mail system is probably the mostly used internal and external communication technology. It is a lot faster and cheaper than sending letters.
Another advantage of the internet is the improved communication with an organization’s constituents. Decades ago, there was only the possibility to communicate over advertisements in newspapers, magazines, or the television. Today companies can communicate with their constituents more issues, a lot faster, and in particular cheaper over the Internet. Most companies do have their own web sites, and company representatives also have their own blogs. The constituents, therefore, have access to a lot more information about the company, and have the possibility to exchange their opinion about for example the products and the quality, etc. Consequently the internet is a very important field of advertisement and external corporate communication.
Another very useful development in communication technologies is Voice over IP (VoIP).
VoIP is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the internet, which means that can talk with each other over the internet, just like telephoning. Major advantages of VoIP are that it is not dependent on a location, and it is mostly offered as a free service. An example for VoIP is Skype.
Furthermore companies have the possibility to use a technology called video conferencing. Video conferencing is also made possible by the internet. It means that a few people can talk and see each other over the internet, regardless in which part of the world they are. This new technology helps to decrease decision time, as people do not have to travel anymore, and therefore also reduces cost.
However not only the internet made communication easier and cheaper, but also the rapid developments in the cell phone market since 1990. Telephone calls over the cell phone became much cheaper and popular. Consequently you are not anymore tight to your office to make a phone call and flexibility increases significantly.
New technologies made communication a lot easier and cheaper, but it also increased complexity. Since there are now a lot more communication channels to choose from, it is not that easy anymore to pick always the appropriate communication channel for a certain situation.
Personal Experiences:
My first personal experience with communication technologies appeared in my childhood, since I grew up in the time the cell phones, as well as the internet developed and became popular. I first thought that I would not need those things, since I also did not need them before, but today? I always carry a cell phone with me and I am checking everyday my E-Mails on my several E-Mail accounts. This communication technology became a part of my everyday life.
A second experience with communication technologies is the program Skype. With This program, I can call and see my friend and family in Germany whenever I want for free. I remember when I first came to the US I called my family once a month, because it was so expensive over the landline. Today I call them at least once a weak.
Ongoing information about information and communication technologies,3373,en_2649_37441_1_1_1_1_37441,00.html
Information about VoIP
Information about Video conferencing
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