Friday, April 25, 2008

Corporate Communication Relevance

Corporate Communication Relevance

Communication is a very important function for the organization, addressing inside and outside consignees. One can picture the communication function as an umbrella, whereas the spines of the umbrella are the various other functions of an organization. Communication is needed everywhere, within departments, across departments and with the organization’s stakeholders.
Today communication will also be seen, by most managers, as a crucial part of the organization. Sometimes communication professionals are hired to improve an organization’s communication processes. This was not always the case, also due to the fact that communication itself and the improvement of communication processes is hard to value. However, with such fast communication possibilities, as well as so many different communication channels, communication should be handled carefully. Especially regarding the fact, that people are getting more and more interested, in what organizations are doing, bad communication could be disastrous for an organization.
Another important aspect which points out the importance of good and structured corporate communication is the increasing complexity of organizations. Globalization, increasing diversity, growing companies, and increased advertisement possibilities constitute additional challenges to strategic communication processes. Therefore many companies already established their own communication departments to face those challenges. Some of the most important tasks of such communication departments are, to create a good attitude among customers towards the organization itself and its products, to create a good reputation, and to shape image and identity of the organization.


Good communication strategies are essential for an organization regarding the facts pointed out above. Therefore, mangers should be aware of the importance of communication experts and should also have some own knowledge about this important business topic. The closer the link between communication strategy and business strategy, the more successful the organization will be.

Personal Experience:

I personally experienced the importance of good corporate communication during my apprenticeship. The company was in the process of getting certified and one of the major requirements of this certification was structured communication. As for example there should be standardized forms for repeating tasks, there should be always the same procedure to contact customers and in addition the communication channel for those tasks should always be the same. There have been many more examples, which showed that structured communication was valued very high, in order to achieve the desired certification.

Another example where I experienced the relevance of good communication was during an internship. Due to language problems one employee did not understand his supervisor and did the task completely wrong. The result was that not only the work time of this employee was wasted but also the time to correct the fault.


Organizational Communication:

Basics in Internal Organizational Communications

Institute for communication research

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