Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crisis Communication

Crisis Communication

A crisis can happen to everyone, organizations as well as one’s personal life. In the following a definition of crisis is given, some crises of the last 25 years are addressed, as well as how one can prepare for a crisis and how to communicate during a crisis.

What is a crisis?

Organizations can face two kinds of crises; those that can not be avoided and those who can. Crisis that can not be avoided are for example natural disasters. In contrast, crisis caused by human error, negligence, or, in some cases, malicious intent can be prevented.
Human-included crisis can be further divided into cases where the company is at fault and where it is not. Negligence is an example for a company’s fault, whereas crime is an example of no fault by the company. A company can become a victim of crime
In all situations however constituencies will look at the organization’s response to the crisis, before making a final judgment.
The book Corporate Communication written by Paul A. Argenti, gives the following definition of crisis:
“A crisis is a major catastrophe that may occur either naturally or as a result of human error, intervention or even malicious intent, It can include tangible devastation, such as the destruction of lives or assets, or intangible devastation, such as the loss of an organization’s credibility or other reputational damage. The latter outcomes may be the result of management’s response to tangible devastation or the result of human error.”

While all crises are different they still have some same crisis characteristics:
1. The element of surprise: leads to a loss of control, which makes the crises very difficult to handle
2. Insufficient information
3. Quick pace of events
4. Intense scrutiny

Crises from the Past 25 Years

Organizations today can learn from the crises of the past and especially, how they have been handled. They can learn at those examples what to do and what not to do.
In 1982 Johnson & Johnson faced the crisis of the Tylenol Recall, after seven people died after taking Tylenol capsules. Due to the good handling of this crisis it became the “the gold standard” of product-recall crisis management.
An example of how not to handle a crisis is given by the Perrier benzene scare in 1990. They had a problem with benzene contaminated sparkling water. Instead of being honest they lied to the public about the cause of this problem, which was uncovered a few days later.
3 years later in 1993 Pepsi-Cola’s Syringe Crisis occurred. A man found a syringe in a bottle of Pepsi. Pepsi was successful in handling this crisis, by making its production process visible to the public and showed that it is impossible to insert a syringe into a bottle. Due to a very good crisis management, even continued after the scandal was proved to be wrong, Pepsi managed it to get the people’s trust back.

The Online Face of Crises

With the new millennium a new type of crisis appeared namely online crises. Serious business crimes are for example data theft, or damaging the computer system with a virus. But those are not the only problems which companies need to guard online. The internet can also be used to create anticorporate, antibrand “communities. Additionally a company image can be seriously damaged through web logs and online reviews of the company’s products. A recommendation for companies is to build u their own online presence, through online pages, and build a good connection to the online world.

How to prepare for crises

First it is essential for every company to understand that it can find itself involved in crises, no exceptions. There are certain steps, how to prepare for a crisis.
1. Access the risk for your organization
Make a plan for potential crisis-situation and determine the effects on your constituencies.
2. Set communication objectives for potential crises
3. Analyze channel choice
4. Assign a different team to each crisis
Different problems need different solutions and different experts.
5. Plan for centralization
In times of crises the company’s communication system has to be centralized.
6. What to include in a formal plan?
It is recommended to make a list of persons or organizations which have to be notified in an emergency. An approach for media relations is to tell as much as you can as fast as you can. Before a crisis arises, think about a strategy to inform your employees, as well as a location which can serve as the crisis headquarter. All the plans you made to handle the crisis should be written down, so the company has a description of the plan.

Communicating during crisis

An 8 steps plan helps you to communicate during crisis situation.
1. Get control of the situation by defining the real problem and set communication objectives.
2. Gather as much information as possible
3. Set up a centralized crisis management center
4. Communicate early and often
5. Understand the media’s mission in a crisis
6. Communicate directly with affected constituents
7. Remember that business must continue
8. Make plans to avoid another crisis immediately


Crises are times of instability, where it depends on the leadership activity and decision making the outcome of the situation. In some cases companies can emerge even more respected out of a crisis, if they handled it well.

Examples / Class:

In class we discussed the crisis of Coke India in 2003. Coke India was blamed to have pesticides in its Soft drinks. In this context we talked about how the crisis is to evaluate, how well prepared Coke India was, to deal with this crisis, and if Coke India could have avoided the crisis. Afterwards, we discussed recommendations of action, for the long- and the short-term, and which problems should be addressed first.

Another example is the Salmonella crisis at Sheetz, caused by tomatoes on the subs, in 2004. Sheetz acted really fast in searching for the cause of the Salmonella virus, and after detecting it in the tomatoes, they withdrew all tomatoes from circulation. After that they bought new tomatoes from a new supplier and the CEO in person, made himself a sandwich, put the tomato on it, and ate it in front of the press. This was a good step towards regaining the consumers trust.


Crisis preparation:

Crisis Prepared or Crisis Prone?

Crisis communication plan:

21st Century Communication Trends

21st Century Communication Trends

Stephen P. Borgatti identifies five trends in the 21st century regarding organizations. These trends are Globalization, Diversity, Flexibility, Flatness, and Networking. Connected with these trends, there are also implications for communication.


Due to globalization you have to deal with people from different countries and their language and culture may be totally different from ours. Therefore it is necessary to inform one about the different cultures, as you have to be able to work with them.
First of all you have to agree to one language in which you want to communicate. It needs to be a language which both business partners are speaking. Otherwise an interpreter is needed.
Additionally you should also pay attention to nonverbal communication, as it is different in some countries.
Another impact that globalization has on communication, is the need for new communication methods, as communication has to travel a long distance. The E-Mail system is already used by everyone, but also newer technologies as for example video conferencing, are becoming more and more popular.


Diversity in companies is not only based on different home countries, but also individual differences. Therefore one has not only to deal with cultural differences but also with more heterogeneous individuals. Resulting from this, communication problems are more likely to occur and more than ever, a good communication strategy as well as good communication skills become necessary.

Flexibility / Flat

Due to the fact, that companies have to be more flexible nowadays, employees have often more power and have to show more initiative. They also gain more power due to the trend of flat organizations. Management levels are eliminated and the employees’ responsibility is increasing. This results in more and maybe even more difficult communication for the individual in the company. Once again it becomes obvious that employees’ communication skills, should be developed, by the organization; for example through workshops.


Even though companies structures are becoming more flat, networking is one of the key points, to stay competitive. Direct communications across unit and firm boundaries and cross unit team structures are typical for the 21st century. Outsourcing and strategic alliances make a good network necessary, as well as the fast changing customer needs. Fortunately, new information technologies allow the companies to communicate and network in an easier way than in the past.

Personal Experiences:

While working on a group project I personally experienced the difference between nonverbal communication of different countries. One of my team members was from South Korea and when we were discussing in our group she was nodding. So I though she understood everything what we said. In fact nodding in South Korea basically means that the person is listening, not that she understands what was said. I found this really interesting to know.
We also detected another example during our group project. We all counted in different ways with our hands.

Another aspect which I realized due to many group projects, with team member of all different countries, is that it sometimes takes a while to communicate effectively. Not only because of missing vocabulary, but also because of, that you do not want to offense someone. Since you do not know how your own pronunciation and the use of words will sound to someone else with a completely different language background. Therefore you try to explain more in detail how you mean something, which costs sometimes a lot of time. However I loved working in diverse teams, as especially due to our diversity we had a great pool of ideas.


Further information about communication Trends:

Company communication trends:

Internal communications trends:

Monday, April 28, 2008

Internal Communications

Internal Communications

For a long time managers concentrated more on the company’s external communication, especially with customers. However, they have begun to realize that also internal communication is very important, recognizing, that employees have more to do with the company’s success than any other constituency.

Internal Communications and the Changing Environment

Not only has the business environment changed but also the attitude of employees. Today they are more interested in what their company is doing and like to participate in decisions, or at least to be informed about changes. With those expectations, good internal communication is a must to keep employees satisfied. Additionally, informed employees are more productive, as they know what they are working for.

Organizing the Internal Communication Effort

In order to set up an internal communications improvement program, to access effectiveness of internal communication, the first step is to find out what the employees’ opinion about the company is. For this an internal communication audit can be helpful. Firstly, goals for effective internal communication should be set up, for example to reinforce employees´ belief that they are important for the company. Furthermore one should think about where the report should go to. It might be a good idea if the report does not only go to the human research department but also to corporate communications, as both should be concerned about it. After the program is implemented regular checks on employee satisfaction can help to improve the existing program and therefore the internal communication.

Implementing an Effective Internal Communication Program

In the following, seven steps for implementing an effective internal communication program are described.
1. Communicate up and down
A company should also communicate downwards instead of only upwards, to the management, to keep the employees informed, what is going on the company. Additionally managers should tale the time to listen to employees’ thoughts and concerns.
2. Make time for face-to-face meetings
Regular meetings, of the senior management with employee groups, ensure that employees have access to the management. In these regular meetings the management can share company results with the employees and progress on key initiatives as well as demonstrate responsiveness to employee feedback.
3. Communicate online
Another way to stay in contact is over the internet. A company could for example offer an online platform to exchange thoughts, ideas, concerns, as well as information and feedback. Since the 1990´s Intranets are used in firms to communicate inside the company. However one has to be careful that employees are not overloaded by information, as they receive a lot of E-Mails every day and may not be able to decide which subject is important and which not.
4. Create employee-oriented publications
Another way of sharing information is through the print medium. Examples are monthly newsletters or magazines.
5. Communicate visually
Due to most employees’ preference of visual media, a company should consider to communicate via web casts or multimedia presentations.
6. Focus on internal branding
Internal branding builds up the morale and engages employees with their jobs.
7. Consider the company grapevine
Communication does not only occur over formal channels, in fact most of the communication is informal talking.

Management’s Role in internal communications

It is very important that CEO’s and senior leaders of companies understand the importance of internal communication. Especially because they are the “culture carriers” and visionaries within a company, they need to set a good example. Isolation of the upper management to the employees has to be avoided. A nice statement of Robert Dilenschneider explains this situation perfectly: ”They’ll need to get off their private jets and fly with everyone else.”


Basically it all comes down to one conclusion: managers need to get out from behind their desks and go out and get to know the people who are working for them. Even with all the technology available to communicate with employees, the most important factor of internal communication begins with the manager. He has to show responsibility for the employees and has to listen to what they say. In today’s business environment companies have to improve their internal communication, otherwise they cannot stay competitive.


I experienced the importance of internal communication during my apprenticeship. Sometimes, when I asked why things are done in this particular way, I got the answer because the chef told us so. Sometimes it was boring work and it was not done very productive as, nobody wanted to do it. In my opinion, if the senior had explained why this particular task is important and for what it needs to be done, the motivation to accomplish the task would have been higher, and therefore more productive.

I also experienced a good example of internal communication during one of my internships. The company Metro Group Logistics (MGL) has its own intranet with its own information for employees. Employees will be informed about what is going in the company itself, as well as in the field of commerce. Additionally the company has several bulletin boards to keep its employees informed. Those bulletin boards can also be used for communication between employees.


Basics in internal organizational communications

Internal communication strategies:

The homepage of Metro Group Logistics:

Media Relations

Media Relations

Media relations are very important for a company since it is not only a constituency but also acts as a transmitter. Investors, suppliers, and consumers as well, receive news and information about an organization through the media.

The news media

Before the 1970s business news were not very popular. However, after certain events, like the oil embargo, environmental problems at Love Canal and questionable advertising on children’s programs, people realized that business organizations had a huge effect on their lives. Therefore the interest in information about organizations rose. Additionally the media got more interested in business news, as on the one hand companies were forced by a new law to publish company information, and on the other hand because people, the newspaper’s customers, got more interested in business news. Business leaders, once used to have their privacy, now had to get used to deal with the media, because having a poor relationship with the media makes possible scandals even worse.
Another change was the increased use of other communication channels, than newspapers and magazines, to communicate business news. Especially the television and later the internet became very popular communication channels. Since the growth of business coverage in the media is even today still growing, companies have to pay carefully attention to their media relations and should improve their communication with traditional, as well as nontraditional media, such as blogs for example.

Building better relations with the media

The most important point in dealing with the media is trying to establish a good relationship with the right people. This can be accomplished by a media relations department, or a public firm. In the following are some steps described, which can help to establish a good relationship with the media.
The first step, which should be done, is a good research for targeting the media. After determining which objective a company has for a certain story, research should be done about the right place to pitch the story. Furthermore research should be done about a reporter’s background and his style of handling a story. The second step would be to respond to all media calls and let a person respond that is trained at dealing with the media, such as media relations department employees. Not responding to a media call could influence the reporter’s attitude towards the company negatively and therefore also his story is likely to reflect this negative attitude. The third step is that the person which will be interviewed needs to be prepared for the media interview. If possible a media relation professional should attend the interview. Trying to measure the success of the communicated message is the following step. However, it is hard to measure the success of public relation activities. A possible way of telling success would be how well the message was communicated, how effective the communication with the media was, and if the company’s objectives are met. The last and most critical step is to maintain ongoing relationships with the relevant media persons. A recommendation is to meet regularly with reporters working in the company’s business area. Even though this might seem to be a high effort, it is an effort which will pay off in the long-run.

Building a successful media relation program

To build up a successful media relations program a company should involve media relations personnel, for example the most senior corporate communication executive, in decision making processes, as well as strategy developing. Furthermore, it is recommendable to develop in house capabilities, by having special media relations staff and the company should use outside counsel sparingly, just in crisis or major projects.

Developing an online media strategy

The internet has become more and more important for the field of media relations. This is due to the fact that not only a few reporters have now the potential to influence the public’s opinion about a company, but every single individual with an internet access. Resulting from this the need for a good online media strategy, to response to consumer’s opinions, reviews, and ratings in the internet, becomes obvious.
Additionally it is recommendable for companies to extend their media relations strategy to the blogsphere. Blogs are also an important source for constituencies to receive information about a company. Therefore, it can be positive for a company to have their own blogs, in order to influence the user in a positive way.
Last but not least a company has to be able to handle negative news effectively. For this, the damage of certain bad news has to be estimated, and then how they can be countered to protect the company from serious damage.


Caused by new technologies and new ways of transmitting information the media relations function will continue to evolve from the PR model to a new professional group that can help the company to get their message out quickly, honestly, and to the right media.

In class / Examples / Experience:

Michelle Fryling, the Director of Media Relations and Community Affairs of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), was our guest speaker in class. She works in this job now for 15 years and she is responsible for the IUP’s crisis communication and image.
She talked with us about her job and its day-to-day problems. Right now her department is working on proactively positioning the IUP. This is an important point in being and staying attractive to he IUP’s customers, he students. Additionally Michelle talked about one of the most important part of her work, crisis communication. Her recommendation was a single contact to the media which is available 24/7 to establish a good and permanent relationship with the right and important media people.

In class we discussed another real world example of media relations. We discussed a case study about the Adolph Coors Company. The Coors Company faced serious image problems in the 1970´s. They had been accused of discrimination against gays, blacks, Hispanics and woman. Additionally they were blamed of human rights violations as well as union busting. As a result the Coors Company was boycotted. We discussed how the Company handled this problem and whether the open door policy was the better choice over the no comment policy. Coors followed the invitation by Mike Wallace, to attend his Television show “60 minutes.” The Coors Company did a really good research about the interviewer and the show. Joe and Bill Coors were well prepared and were not overdressed. The 60 minutes report showed a different way of the whole story and the discrimination accusations appeared to be wrong. With the well prepared interview and its open door policy the Coors Company changed its image in the public. This case is a good example for the power of the media and how companies can influence the public’s opinion with good media reports.


More information about media and public relations:

Preparing for media interviews:

Coors website:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Corporate advertising

Corporate advertising

One of the easiest and fastest ways to communicate an organization’s identity is through advertisement. To be successful any corporate advertisement should be strategic and consistent. Strategic means looking at the company’s future and consistent means that the advertisement must fit with the company’s vision.

What is corporate advertising?

According to the book “Corporate Communication”, by Paul A. Argenti corporate advertising can be defined as “paid use of media that seeks to benefit the image of the corporation as a whole rather than its products or services alone.” Product advertising in contrast brands only the product itself. A major difference between corporate and product advertising is, who is paying for it. Product advertising will be charged to the marketing department whereas corporate advertising is paid by the corporate communication department or the CEO’s office.
There are three categories of corporate advertisement: Image advertisement, financial advertisement and issue advocacy. Those different advertisement purposes are used to reinforce identity, enhance reputation, to attract investment and/or to influence opinions.

History of corporate advertisement in America

In 1908 the first corporate advertisement was initiated by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T). With this advertisement it tried to defend its monolist status in the United States. A decade later many companies followed their idea. However, after World War II corporate advertisements disappeared until the 1970´s. Today, corporate advertising is highly visible and scrutinized by the public.

Who uses corporate advertising and why?

Over half of the largest companies in the USA do have corporate advertising programs. There is obviously a correlation between company size and corporate advertisement, which makes sense since lager companies have more discretionary income. Another observation is, that companies in controversial industries (e.g. cigarettes industry) are more likely to create corporate advertising programs, to enhance their reputation.
The reasons for companies to invest in corporate advertisement campaigns are to increase sales, to create a stronger reputation, and/or to recruit and retain employees.


Corporate advertising helps a company to communicate its messages to its constituencies. it is a quick and efficient way of communication but unfortunately at very high costs. The high costs combined with the difficulties in measuring the effects of corporate advertising will shy away some managers. However if the goals, aimed by corporate advertising, are met it will improve a company’s financial situation.

In Class:

In class we talked about the difference between corporate and product advertisement. Corporate advertisements think long-term in contrast to most product advertisements and have to be consistent with the company’s vision. Afterwards we viewed pictures of several advertisements and discussed which purpose they are having.

Product advertisement:

Corporate advertisement:

The purpose would then be one of the corporate advertising goals, increase sales, create a stronger reputation, and/or recruit and retain employees. The second thing we looked at was whether this advertisement was a corporate or a product advertisement. If it was a corporate advertisement we further distinguished between the different kinds of corporate advertisement, as there are reinforce identity, enhance reputation, attract investment and/or influence opinions. Last but not least we decided which constituents are addressed with the advertisement.

Examples / Experience:

A good example for corporate advertising is the company Bayer AG. This company always had corporate advertisements, but especially after the Lipobay scandal, they tried to improve their damaged company image, through advertisements for Bayer itself.

Another example of corporate advertising, are maybe also the TV advertisements for universities in the USA. In Germany I have never seen any commercial for a university. In the USA universities are promoting their university, with the purpose of attracting new students.


AT&T advertisement of 1908:

Definition of corporate advertising:

Homepage of the Bayer AG:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Identity, Image, and Reputation

Identity, Image, and Reputation

A close alignment between a company’s identity and image is helpful to generate a strong reputation. In the following will be explained what identity and image are and how they can be managed.

What are identity and image?

The definition of identity given in the book “Corporate Communication” written by Paul A. Argenti is as follows. A company’s identity is the visual manifestation of the company’s reality conveyed through the organization’s name, logo, motto, products, services , buildings, stationary, uniforms, and all other tangible pieces of evidence created by the organization and communicated to a variety of constituents.
The image is then the reflection of the organization’s identity. The identity program is a success, when these images accurately reflect the company’s reality.

Differentiating organizations through identity and image

Since today the completion is very intense, many products are very homogenous and the buying decision of consumers is based only on the company’s image. Therefore, companies should pay more attention to their identity and image and make them more powerful.

Shaping identity

The identity-building can be controlled and managed by an organization, in contrast to the image part of reputation. There are several things that will contribute positively in creating an organization’s identity. First a company should think about an inspirational corporate vision, which includes the company’s core values, philosophies, standards and goals. It can help to think about this vision as a narrative or story to ensure the consensus between the company’s vision and the messages it sends to its constituents.
Secondly, the company’s name and logo also shape a company’s identity and differentiates them in the marketplace. They are a part of corporate branding and serve as a kind of identification tag. This allows the consumer to recognize a product of a certain company very quickly and effortlessly.
Last but not least, consistency is very important for a company’s identity. The organization’s vision should manifest itself throughout all identity elements, including names and logos.

Identity management in action

A method that has been used successfully to create or change a company’s identity, includes six steps:
1. Conduct an identity audit / How is your current image respectively reputation?
2. Set identity Objectives
3. Develop designs and names
4. Develop prototypes
5. Launch and communicate the new identity to the public
6. Implement the program

Image: In the eye of the beholder

Constituencies often have perceptions about a company even before they interact with it. Perceptions are built by what the constituents have heard, seen, and read about a company previously. After interacting with the company those perceptions may change. That is the reason why organizations are so concerned with the quality of each and every interaction.

Building a solid reputation

For a good reputation the organization’s identity and image have to be aligned. Therefore it should be a goal to first shape a unique identity, and second to project a coherent and consistent set of images to the public.
A good reputation is favorable because it can give companies a competitive advantage. Companies with a good reputation can attract and retain the best talent, loyal customers, and business partners. In order to mange reputation, employees can be a good starting point, as they need to have the company’s vision and value in mind when acting with customers. Additionally a company has to pay attention to philanthropy and social responsibility, as they are gaining visibility and importance in the eyes of many constituencies.


Many managers underestimate the value of corporate reputation. They need to understand the importance of it and learn how to manage these critical resources.

Examples / Experience

Years ago, Aldi GmbH, a grocery discounter in Germany, was perceived by a lot of people as not a good place to buy food. Its reputation was to have a bad customer clientele, as well as no quality food. Today its reputation totally changed. Now, almost everybody buys in that store, especially because of its low prices and the good food quality. I personally love this store and buy almost all my groceries over there.

Another example of a company trying to improve its image is McDonald’s. They tried to change their image of unhealthy fast food by selling salads for example. In addition they ran advertisements promoting the idea that they are now selling good and healthy food. However, I personally do not think that they really achieved their goal. A lot of people still associate McDonald’s with very unhealthy fast food.

Developing a company image:

A Reputation Institute:

Homepage of Aldi GmbH:

Friday, April 25, 2008

Corporate Communication Relevance

Corporate Communication Relevance

Communication is a very important function for the organization, addressing inside and outside consignees. One can picture the communication function as an umbrella, whereas the spines of the umbrella are the various other functions of an organization. Communication is needed everywhere, within departments, across departments and with the organization’s stakeholders.
Today communication will also be seen, by most managers, as a crucial part of the organization. Sometimes communication professionals are hired to improve an organization’s communication processes. This was not always the case, also due to the fact that communication itself and the improvement of communication processes is hard to value. However, with such fast communication possibilities, as well as so many different communication channels, communication should be handled carefully. Especially regarding the fact, that people are getting more and more interested, in what organizations are doing, bad communication could be disastrous for an organization.
Another important aspect which points out the importance of good and structured corporate communication is the increasing complexity of organizations. Globalization, increasing diversity, growing companies, and increased advertisement possibilities constitute additional challenges to strategic communication processes. Therefore many companies already established their own communication departments to face those challenges. Some of the most important tasks of such communication departments are, to create a good attitude among customers towards the organization itself and its products, to create a good reputation, and to shape image and identity of the organization.


Good communication strategies are essential for an organization regarding the facts pointed out above. Therefore, mangers should be aware of the importance of communication experts and should also have some own knowledge about this important business topic. The closer the link between communication strategy and business strategy, the more successful the organization will be.

Personal Experience:

I personally experienced the importance of good corporate communication during my apprenticeship. The company was in the process of getting certified and one of the major requirements of this certification was structured communication. As for example there should be standardized forms for repeating tasks, there should be always the same procedure to contact customers and in addition the communication channel for those tasks should always be the same. There have been many more examples, which showed that structured communication was valued very high, in order to achieve the desired certification.

Another example where I experienced the relevance of good communication was during an internship. Due to language problems one employee did not understand his supervisor and did the task completely wrong. The result was that not only the work time of this employee was wasted but also the time to correct the fault.


Organizational Communication:

Basics in Internal Organizational Communications

Institute for communication research

Communication Technologies

Communication Technologies

Organizations use several communication technologies for internal and external communication. These communication technologies have rapidly evolved over the past 10 years. Especially with the internet, the communication possibilities increased significantly. First of all, the E-Mail system is probably the mostly used internal and external communication technology. It is a lot faster and cheaper than sending letters.
Another advantage of the internet is the improved communication with an organization’s constituents. Decades ago, there was only the possibility to communicate over advertisements in newspapers, magazines, or the television. Today companies can communicate with their constituents more issues, a lot faster, and in particular cheaper over the Internet. Most companies do have their own web sites, and company representatives also have their own blogs. The constituents, therefore, have access to a lot more information about the company, and have the possibility to exchange their opinion about for example the products and the quality, etc. Consequently the internet is a very important field of advertisement and external corporate communication.

Another very useful development in communication technologies is Voice over IP (VoIP).
VoIP is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the internet, which means that can talk with each other over the internet, just like telephoning. Major advantages of VoIP are that it is not dependent on a location, and it is mostly offered as a free service. An example for VoIP is Skype.

Furthermore companies have the possibility to use a technology called video conferencing. Video conferencing is also made possible by the internet. It means that a few people can talk and see each other over the internet, regardless in which part of the world they are. This new technology helps to decrease decision time, as people do not have to travel anymore, and therefore also reduces cost.

However not only the internet made communication easier and cheaper, but also the rapid developments in the cell phone market since 1990. Telephone calls over the cell phone became much cheaper and popular. Consequently you are not anymore tight to your office to make a phone call and flexibility increases significantly.


New technologies made communication a lot easier and cheaper, but it also increased complexity. Since there are now a lot more communication channels to choose from, it is not that easy anymore to pick always the appropriate communication channel for a certain situation.

Personal Experiences:

My first personal experience with communication technologies appeared in my childhood, since I grew up in the time the cell phones, as well as the internet developed and became popular. I first thought that I would not need those things, since I also did not need them before, but today? I always carry a cell phone with me and I am checking everyday my E-Mails on my several E-Mail accounts. This communication technology became a part of my everyday life.

A second experience with communication technologies is the program Skype. With This program, I can call and see my friend and family in Germany whenever I want for free. I remember when I first came to the US I called my family once a month, because it was so expensive over the landline. Today I call them at least once a weak.


Ongoing information about information and communication technologies

Information about VoIP

Information about Video conferencing

Communication Theories

Communication Theories

In class we had a presentation about communication theories.
First we talked about, what communication is. It is information-related behavior, necessary for the life process, and takes three common settings, as there are interpersonal -, machine-assisted -, or mass communication.

Afterwards we discussed the communication models of several Theorists in chronological order. We stated with Lasswell’s model of the year 1948, which depicts a linear model. The model says that the speaker sends a message through a communication channel to a listener or an audience to achieve an effect. Easier formulated the model basically asks the question “Who says what to whom in what channel with what effect.”
Next we discussed Shannon & Weaver’s liner communication mode of 1949. This model included a so called “noise source”, which can disturb the transmission of the message. Shannon is considered to be the father of information theory.

Shannon & Weaver’s Model:

The theorist Schramm build three models, whereas the second model is the further development of the first model. He developed the first model in 1954, where he included the concept of en- and decoding. With his second model he added the idea that the communication partners need a common field of experience in order to understand each other. In his third model he then includes the concept of feedback and the communication model becomes for the first time a circular process. Therefore, Schramm is regarded as the founder of communication studies.

Schramm’s Third Model:
The communication model of Westley and MacLean includes different media sources which they name in their model “events.” Those events are then either directly transmitted, through a communication channel, or they are pre-selected by an advocate, before they reach the audience. Interestingly this model does not have a feedback possibility for the message receiving party.
Kincaids's Convergence Model of 1979 shows communication as a process, and not a single event, where information is shared to reach a level of mutual understanding. Here communication is depicted as dynamic and cyclical.

In conclusion, communication models developed from liner to cyclical and dynamic models and also changed to adapt to mass communications methods. Communication models offer convenient ways to think, by easy structuring the communication process and provide a graphical checklist.

Personal experience:

I personally experienced, what Schramm describes with his second model, that the sender and the receiver of a message need to have a common expertise in the topic discussed. Otherwise the message will not be understood. The same expertise does not even have to be a difficult topic, it can simply be a difference in the language spoken. For example, my roommates in America are French. Since I am German and I can not speak French and they can not speak German, we have to agree upon a language which we both speak, which would be English.

Another example of personal experience is the importance of feedback. I think probably everyone experienced that before. May it be just a simple thing, like a misunderstanding, which can be managed by sending the message sender a feedback of non-understanding or a feedback in college. If I would not get a feedback on my assignments, homework, and exams I would not now what I would have to improve the next time.


More communication theories:

Presentation on communication theories:

Theories of mass media communication:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Communicating Strategically

Communicating Strategically

Communication is very important for an organization, as it has implications for every single member of the organization. Therefore it is a great advantage to learn how to communicate strategically. In the following is discussed, how communication theory developed and how it can be used.

Communication Theory

The roots of modern communication theory can be found in Aristotle’s major work, “The Art of Rhetoric”. Translated into a theory for organizations, the framework of communicating strategically would include four parts: (1) the organization…(2) communicates through messages…(3) to its constituents…(4) who then give a feedback. This framework describes a communication cycle instead of being linear and reflects therefore the reality of communication better.

Developing Corporate Communication Strategies

Developing a good corporate communication strategy can be divided into four parts. The first thing to do is to set up an effective organization strategy. This can be best done in the following order. First determine the organizations objectives, second decide what resources are available. The most important resources are for example money, human resources and time. The final step is then to diagnose the organization’s reputation. These three steps are the building block for the following three parts for successfully developing a corporate communication strategy.

The second part to do is to analyze your constituencies. For a good analysis you have to understand who each constituency is, what each of them thinks about the organization, and determine what each of them already knows and feels about the relevant communication topic.

Delivering messages appropriately depicts the third part in developing a corporate communication strategy. It involves a two-step analysis of first choosing the right communication channel and second selecting the right approach for structuring the message carefully, either direct or indirect.

Last but not least the final step is to assess the communication results and determine whether your communication had the desired result or not. If the constituency responses or expressed differently, the feedback shows that your communication was not successful in reaching your organization’s objectives you should change some part of your strategy, in order to be successful the next time.


Since all organizations depend on the behest of the public will, an organization should consider its communication strategy carefully. Therefore a structured model how to communicate effectively is very important since you have kind of a checklist to go along. In addition it is easier to go back and restructure the communication strategy if your communication objectives are not met.

Personal Experiences

My personal experience with strategically communication is, that you have to be very careful, which communication channel you use. Not only once, it happened to me, that I send friends a short message over a cell phone, asking them if they wanted to go to a certain party with me, for example. Unfortunately they got the message the next day, and so the message did not reach them in time, and I did not get the feedback which I wanted, which was a reaction if they wanted to go out that evening or not. The lesson that I learned from this is, if you want an answer in time, you might better call the people, even though it is more expensive communication channel.

Another personal experience happened not long ago in class. We had to do an “elevator presentation”, which means that you have 30 seconds to deliver a certain message. It was not easy in such a short amount of time to deliver the message you want, make sure that you deliver the message interestingly and also structure the message in a way, that people would understand the message. I think, the biggest problem was the nervousness, and because of that I could not get across the message as confident as I wanted it to. However, I think you can get control over it by practicing.


PDF file about “How to plan communication strategically”:

Communicating Strategically: A Perspective and Case Study about Creating Comfort with Uncertainty:

Powerful Presentations: How to Craft an Effective Elevator Speech:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Changing Environment for Business

Changing Environment for Business

The first chapter of the book “Corporate Communication” written by Paul A. Argenti brings the aspect of communication in context with historic attitudes towards American business. Afterwards effects of globalization and antiglobalization respectively on communication are discussed. And last but not least it will be discussed how improved corporate communication can help a business to deal with the constantly changing environment.

Attitudes toward American business through the years

In the 1860s existed very bad working conditions and during the following industrial revolution even woman and children had to work in this miserable conditions. During the1920s situation got even worse, when the stock market bubble burst and led to the Great Depression. The only positive attitude towards American business occurred from 1940 to 1960, a time period also known as the “golden age”. But soon in the 1970s incidences like the Vietnam War, Watergate and the oil embargo turned the business image into negative again. Up to today the image of business never turned really positive again, even though the 80s and 90s constituted the final economic boom of the 20th century. This might be a result of the stock market crash in 2000 and the lack of confidence in big companies because, for example of the Enron scandal in 2002. To sum it up, most of the times the image of the Unites States business had been regarded as negative by American people.

Hollywood: A window on Main Street and Wall Street

Another reason for the negative image of business today may be the negative portrait of businessman in TV-shows and Hollywood films. In two-thirds of the TV shows business people are portrayed negatively. According to a research American people spend 40 to 50 hours per week in front of a TV and that is a lot more than they spend time in a classroom. Additional the news on TV are,of course only presenting the bad examples of business. Therefore negative portraits in fictional programs blend into the negative news. As a result the bad image of business will build up.

Global Village

The fast improvements in technology in the last years let the world become a “Global Village”. Especially the Internet helped to virtually “eliminate” national borders and time frames, coupled with liberalization of trade and finance. To remain competitive in this every day smaller getting world, there is no way to avoid operating in countries with fragile economies, weak democratic systems and overburdened infrastructures, because if you will not, your competitors will. However, those globally operating companies will also have to face the anti-globalization movement. People joining this movement believe for example that globalization will destroy individual national cultures and national workstations. In addition they protest against exploitation of poorer countries (e.g. child labor).

How to compete in a changing environment

In the following there are presented four steps, which can help companies to deal with the direction of greater scrutiny, the less favorable impressions of companies and the constantly changing environment in general.
· Recognize changing Environment
Managers need to be aware of the changing environment, which is sometimes just not the case because of short term orientation. Ignoring environmental changes in the long run can have damaging results for companies. Therefore it is important for companies to identify quickly on which changes they need to react.
· Adapt to the environment without compromising principles
It is crucial not to change the company’s philosophy or what the company stands for. Customers will recognize this change and will switch to products of another company if they disagree with the change.
· Do not assume problems will magically disappear
If something in a company goes wrong, managers will do better, if they do something about it. This is because public memories are sometimes longer than someone may think and unwanted boycotts of a firm may be the result.
· Keep corporate communication connected to strategy
Corporate communication should be closely linked to a companies overall vision and strategy. The mission statement, which inherences the companies strategy, needs to be communicated to internal and external persons, in the right way.


The constantly and fast changing business environment demands for strategically communication. To have success in 21st century someone has to pay attention to the way he communicates for example behavior, changes and future plans of the company.

Personnel experiences:

A personal experience of mine with the changing business environment was the necessity of the internet for university. Before university I have been on the internet too, but more for fun rather than for research purposes. When I then started my studies, I experienced that there was no way of studying properly without an internet access. Nowadays I use the internet daily, for study purposes, checking E-Mails and staying in contact with friends and family via Skype.

Another experience with the changing business environment occurred during my apprenticeship in a forwarding company. At this time the company was under the pressure to get certified after an ISO norm, which means among other things that there had to be standardized ways of internal and external communication. To fulfill the criteria of certification it got obvious how less attention before was paid to communication processes, which also led to a loss of information.


The Explanation of the term “Global Village”:

The Global Policy Forum about Globalization:

A contribution to the fast changing business environment: